Cash Unclaimed

Would you like to claim some found money?Cashunclaimed is one of the largest databases for unclaimed money in the world. Their current database lists billions of dollars in unclaimed money, property, accounts and assets from all 50 states and several Federal agencies that could belong to you. There are millions of people who are owed unclaimed money and they don't even know it! Are you one of these people? It is estimated that 9 in 10 Americans are owed cash that sits unclaimed year after year. So, it's quite likely that some of this money belongs to you or someone you know.If your name is in their lost cash database, there is a good chance you have lost money owed to you. The only way to be 100% certain whether the found money is yours is to submit a claim!
They are an information service that provides you access to their huge database. They also provide you tips and information on how to claim your money.You
will receive unlimited instant access to all of the lost cash records money.Youtabase for 30 full days. The unclaimed money records will include the name, phone number and location of the institutions holding the money as well as the instructions you will need to claim the found money!
For one reason or another the financial institution holding the funds has been unable to locate the rightful owners to return the money. So, literally billions of dollars sit in unclaimed accounts across the nation year after year. This money is lost and never gets found unless the owners of the unclaimed funds use a property locator service like CashUnclaimed Money Search.

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